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Baudelaire's View

Baudelaire's View

Vice and Little Girl

: Vice and Little Girl

Nature, raised by human greed and exploited, but abandoned for the same reasons, seems similar to the way we live in this world. Pursuing incessant competition within the system, we live under the weight of responsibility, adjusting our existence to the frameworks imposed by someone else. Baudelaire criticized this social representation. He championed the misfits rejected by society, finding the beauty in them and presenting them to the world in his unique way. In this project, we try to tell the story that we are never just pawns on a chessboard, nor just cogs in a machine. Just as humanity is never the master of nature, society cannot lock us up. Like wildflowers that find their own place in the mountains and meadows searching for their own value, finding our own beauty, loving ourselves and living like that could be our life's destination. Hopefully, just like the flowers that bloom in spring, we too can bloom….

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